If you follow us on Social Media you probably saw the exciting news we shared… Baby number two is on the way! We are so happy and thankful for this little miracle. We have been praying for this little one for almost a year. Y’all… God is good, His timing is perfect, and He sure is faithful! I will share more of our story later, I just had to get this post out and share our big news!
We are thrilled to share this journey with you! Our sweet baby will be arriving in January 2021. At our first doctor visit, he asked if we wanted the gender to be a surprise… HAHA! If you know me, you know I love to prepare and plan so yes, we will be finding out the gender and sharing it with you!
I’m not sure if Evalyn Grace fully understands what a “baby in mommy’s belly” means, but right now she sure is excited!