Happy Easter!
Today we are celebrating our Risen Savior!
Because of the current quarantine, this year looks a whole lot different. This is the first year since I have given my life to the Lord I am not in church for Easter Sunday! Such an odd feeling. BUT I did get to attend service online with 4 of my favorite churches! I am thankful for the technology that we have to still bring us together for worship.
So let me share about this years spring pictures…. haha oh boy! Of course, we are following the rules of social distancing so instead of having someone else take our family pictures I set up to take them ourselves. I brought my camera and tripod out to the open field in our neighborhood. Now, we have done this many times in the past, but now that Evalyn is older it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get her to look at the camera! We tried “where’s mommy’s camera? Do you see the light flashing? What color is the light? What’s over there?” And of course, “say cheeeeeese!” At one point we even tried putting her stuffed lamb on top of the camera to get her attention but she ended up crying until she could hold it. Phew! Camera, tripod, and a 1 year olds attention span is a hard combination but I’m happy we got a few with her looking in the same direction haha.
While we were taking our last family picture Josh said “look at the turtle!” I went along with it thinking he was trying to get her to look at the camera but no! There really was a turtle walking across the field making its way towards the lake! Evalyn followed the turtle across the field and so badly wanted the turtle to jump in her arms like a dog. That surprise was a fun way to end our picture session.
I sure love my little family and fun memorable moments like these.